And guess what, when we wanted to enter, they actually ask us to pay a sum of RMB30 to enter. like, WTH?? I know that the park is kind of like a tourist attraction, but I mean, to pay for mass?? Ok nvm, then we argued abit, saying that masses are suppose to be free, and the person that answered us said she never heard of such thing. .. WTH???
Ok, nvm. At the end, she asked us to use the side gate which was 500m away. We wanted to walk but got conned by a trishaw cyclist, saying it's VERY FAR, and have to go UPHILL. Okay lor, we took the ride for RMB5. Who knows, it's actually quite near! And because he said in the beginning have to go uphill, we assumed that he'll take us straight to the church's entrace. WHO KNOWS, he just dropped us off at the foot of the hill!! -_- Damn conman.
Ok NVM, when we wanted to get in, there's this.. person guarding the gate, say we have to pay. And we're like, no, we're not gonna pay so just let us in! And he said we have to give him the password.. 0_o This is the most troublesome mass I ever attended... sigh.
At the end, they let us in without paying after much negotiation. By then the mass was all over at the lil church. But luckily I missed it, cause what I saw was during the whole mass beggars were going round and round asking for money. And when u don't give them they'll curse you to hell.
church on the hill
faulty cable cars.
close up
One last time at the city.
I love their road system. Electronical signboards. If the there's traffic jam on a particular road, it'll be red in colour.
japanese soda i had during lunch. very cool lor! Have to pop in the glass ball then can drink.
kept this as souveneirs for kataks like me.
SMT. World's fastest bullet train? i dunno. i saw it on national geography.
Hopefully I can visit Shanghai when the weather's more warmer. (can buy cheap summer cloths lor! =P) Really appreciate the hospitality from Jac's family, really made me feel like home. =)
To read about my previous post on Shanghai, pls click these links here:
Shanghai - 1st day - 徐家汇,上海最繁荣的地方
Shanghai - 2nd day - 麦当劳有猪肉!
Shanghai - 5th day - Mr. R 陪我去买小笼包~
Shanghai - 6th day - 新天地 Xin Tian Di District
Shanghai - 7th day - 城隍庙 chenhuangmiao & 田子坊 tianzifang
Shanghai - 11th day - 朱家角+泰晤士小镇
Shanghai - 12th day - 人民广场 + 南京路步行街 + 外滩
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