Day 2 Day 2! Wahaha.
The next morning, we head back to our site to do more analysis. Here's a few pictures of how our site (fish farm) looks like.
That's the entrance to the fish farm. The fish are also provided for the restaurant just beside us.
I forgot how long was this bridge. 1.5km maybe. Lots of broken planks.
If you squint your eyes really hard, you can actually see skulls.
The fish farm. I didn't dare to walk on the planks. Holding very expensive cameras leh! (and got sharks inside wor, and crabs, and all sorts of pinchy sea creatures lurking underneath)
Doing the final touch up for our boards at the restaurant.
At the Eagle View Hotel, few minutes before presentation starts.
listening tentively
listening to derick presenting
this is so cute *coughsogaycough*
Orkid Ria! We ate here for 3 consecutive nights!
Lobster. RM80.
Everybody got nice fingers oh.
Hadn't had such a good meal in a long time.
asam fish.
steam fish
tiger prawn!! THE BEST PRAWN I'VE EVER TASTED. It's RM20 per prawn, bit pricey. But how often do you get to eat tigerprawn in Langkawi ya?
group pic! Satisfied smile.
mervyn kept filling our glass to the brim!
After dinner, we drove along the shoreline, ending up at an unknown hotel at the waterfront.
I wondered why the guys suggested this pose. Cause, you know, I can feel their legs trembling when I stood on them. hehehe.. I know lah have to keep fit!
group pic
this'll be such a good spot for a romantic walk, kan?
I still suck at taking night pictures. Even with the help of tripod! Sigh. So sakit hati to say this but I don't have time for photography! =( This one I digress next time lah.
The day ended with me at the lobby with nothing to do. Just watching a bunch of friends playing some mathematical card game. So I went up to check what the guys were up to, I can hear their laughters from the lobby, and they were 3 floors above!
So I went to check out what they were up to. Just as I've guessed, there's alcohol involved! lol. Playing blackjack, loser has to down a tequila shot in one go.
They were kind on me because I'm a girl~ Bwhahaha.
Not drunk, just tipsy! 10 got away vomit-free.
Fun =D
We should do this more often. Haha.
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