Jiu Fen is very, hrm, what word should I use here.. Quaint and very picturesque! I just love the old-style townhouses, and the winding pavements which leads you EVERYWHERE (in Jiu Fen only, of course). If you're adventurous enough, try a different off-beaten path, you'll be surprise how quiet it is compared to the busy commercialized pathways, and sights which you just can't appreciate when you're surrounded by crowds.
Passed by a beautiful teal gulf before reaching Jiu Fen. Was so excited cause I've never seen a gulf before! =D
Remains of the 13 levels 十三遗层 - an abandoned copper smelting refinery during the prime time of Jiufen and Jinguashi.
would make very nice scene for a photoshoot!
Map of JiuFen
香肠!- sausage 真的很香! 哈哈~ smells nice~
深坑臭豆腐 smelly tofu~ wasn't as smelly as I expected =P
he likes smelly tofu!
the only thing I hated was the crowd. Seriously, packed! Pushed and shoved while you're eating your food.
Process of making ice-cream tortilla
薄餅包冰淇淋 Ice-cream tortilla - 用薄餅皮包着花生碎再加上雪糕
Combination of ground peanut candy, ice-cream encased in a spring roll skin
unique mini flutes
omg delicious! The sotong there is the best so far during my trip.
sotong with a hint of lime
publicity stunt to sell sausages? lol.
賴阿婆芋圓 famous taro ball. A must eat in Jiu Fen!
- 北縣九份基山街 143 號
sorry for the expressionless face, tired from climbing all those stairs, but the view of Jiu Fen was beautiful!
quaint cottage
This secondhand bookshop was located at the top of the hill, climb all the way and it's cloooosed. Boooo...
aunty tired liao
imagine falling down the hill that way. so funny. hehe
i'm guessing it looks beautiful at night with the lanterns
stairs to a restaurant
pig oil rice. haha
abandoned cinema
drink from the boobs ha
view from the hill. a bit like brazil! hahaha.
Anyway, it started to drizzle, so we had to cut our trip short. But still, already full from all the food! So it's time to go home anyway.
on our way back, we saw a rainbow! =D
We dropped by the Sulphur Valley at Yao Ming Shan. The sulphur smell was so strong!
At night, on to the famous Shilin Night Market!
love it! XXL Crispy Chicken, a famous item in Shilin Night Market!
look at the queue -_-
just take it as one big piece, don't ask them to cut it up for you because that's not the way to eat it.
大香肠!When they say big, they really mean big!
Veggie dumpling
There's still more stalls inside!! Because of all the competition, when you walk in there will be a lot of aunty asking you eat at their stall. So stop and look at their menu only if you are really interested!
乳肉饭 Braised pork rice - a norm for Taiwanese
最爱的牛肉面!Beef noodle! my favourite~
shaved iced. okok cause they used frozen fruit instead of fresh
That's all for today, will continue with more food next time!
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